Invest with Copper Hill Real Estate

Investing in Real Estate

If properly executed, real estate investments are one of the leading wealth generators in America. If poorly executed, you may find yourself in a heap of trouble/debt. Take advantage of our team and resources!


Not only do we help our clients with their real estate investments, but we have established our own portfolio of investment properties. If you or anyone you know have/has a property that you feel is a good fit for an investor, then please don’t hesitate to let us know. We’d be more than happy to look at the home and offer any advice. We’re always looking to grow our own portfolio, so we may ultimately end up buying it! However if we’re not able to, then we have a rolodex of investor clients that we’ll gladly present it to.


Looking to grow your portfolio of rental properties? Need help finding your next fix and flip? Interested in diversifying into multi-families? Eager to develop land? We have a team of experienced agents that specialize in working with real estate investors looking to acquire assets. We can even manage them for you through our in-house property management company! It starts with understanding the market and creating a plan/strategy. From there, it’s all about implementation and execution!


Financing your investment properties can be tricky. There are a variety of creative and unique financing strategies, which include: hard money, construction loans, cash out refis, lines of credit, and many more. With a little knowledge and imagination there’s almost always an option to get the deal done. We’ll gladly talk strategy and offer advice on how to efficiently source financing for your investments. And who knows, maybe we or one of our associates will assist in helping you properly structure your next project!

Let’s Talk Real Estate Investing!

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